Our Curriculum
We follow the English National Curriculum (ENC) for English, Maths and Science. At the end of their Primary schooling, all Year 6 children working at levels 3-5 sit the externally-marked UK SATs.
We follow the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) in all other subjects. The IPC extends knowledge, skills and understanding, develops personal attributes and supports an international perspective in a way that responds to current ideas about learning. This trans-disciplinary curriculum is relevant, challenging and engaging for learners with strong international roots.
We celebrate the fact that we are an international school and we aim to make a significant contribution to developing students with an international perspective. We allow children to build on natural curiosity and to develop enquiring minds. We encourage a love of learning that will continue throughout life. We encourage our students to become thinkers and communicators, who can express themselves confidently and clearly in more than one language.
The IPC Personal Goals underpin the individual qualities and dispositions we believe children will find essential in the 21st century. There are 8 IPC Personal Goals – enquiry, resilience, morality, communication, thoughtfulness, cooperation, respect and adaptability. Opportunities to experience and practise the Personal Goals are built into the learning tasks within each unit of work and they are discussed regularly by teachers and children.
Later at Sandford your children will have the opportunity to study a variety of subjects at IGCSE level and then to go on to study for the International Baccalaureate programme. The IPC and ENC will help your child develop the skills, attitudes and understanding that will not only make a significant contribution to their present education but will lay the foundations for their future education in the senior school.
Learning Support
We strive towards continuous progression and excellence, whilst meeting the educational needs of the different educational backgrounds and experiences of the children who enter our school. We are fortunate to be supported in our endeavors by a capable learning support team. This team of 9, including one EAL specialist, provides extra help to both able children and those who have learning difficulties or have had a disrupted educational background. In addition to their excellent work in this area, they also meet the needs of pupils who need additional help to acquire the level of English required to cope with the mainstream programme. Learning Support may take place in lessons, in small withdrawal groups or on a one-to-one basis.
Assessment for Learning
The Primary team works closely together to plan and evaluate our curriculum. Ongoing self, formative and summative assessment is an essential tool in this process. Through the constructive use of continual assessment, we analyse our children’s development and educational needs. We identify strengths and areas for improvement. This facilitates our constant effort to provide the best possible education for the children entrusted to our care.
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